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Andy Graham

Daily Reflection

By Reflections

‘With my whole heart have I sought thee…’ (Psalm 119:10)

Whenever we undertake to do something that we feel passionate about, generally we will do al we can to ensure that we have a successful outcome. We will put our heart and soul into it. The question is, do we apply this same level of commitment to our relationship with the Lord? Do we put our heart and soul into our service in His name? At the end of each day can we honestly echo the words of the Psalmist here?

Pray to the Lord that He will give you the strength, the encouragement, the belief and the faith to seek Him with all of your heart.

Changes Within Our Churches

By News

From this coming Monday, the 19th of July, we will move down to level zero. In terms of our worship each week it means that we will be able to reduce the social distancing requirements between seating from 2m to 1m which should increase our capacity within both churches. Both Kirk Sessions have agreed to do this and have completed and approved Risk Assessment updates which have now been sent to Presbytery for consideration. Hopefully these will be accepted and this change will be implemented from Sunday 25th of July.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Draw close to God and He will draw close to you…’ (James 4:8)

Read these few words over and over again and allow them to seep into your heart and soul. Then rejoice and give thanks to God that such is His love for us, He will never leave us.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Be filled with the Spirit…’ ( Ephesians 5:18)

How conscious are we of the Holy Spirit in our life? Are we aware of its presence and its guidance each day – do we actively seek it? Just how do we perceive the Holy Spirit working in our lives of faith?

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Christ is our life…’ (Colossians 3:4)

Is Christ part of our life every day, or only on a Sunday? Do we spend time in communication with Him every day, or do we only come to Him when we need Him or when we are able to take timeout of our busy lives to do so? Do we seek to walk in His footsteps every day, or do we choose to take whatever path is easier for us? Just how much of our life do we give to Christ?

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Christ is our life…’ (Colossians 3:4)

Consider carefully this short statement and then ask yourself, what does this actually mean and is this a statement I could make in regard to my own life?

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘My times are in Thy hand…’ (Psalm 31:15)

How often do we take time out of our busy lives to be alone with God? Only when we have some spare time or when we’ve done all those other things that we need to do each day? Or do we make time to be with God? Time spent alone with God is the most valuable time of all and if we would make this a priority at the start of every day, we mind find that all those other things we need to attend to will fall into place. So why not take time to be with the Lord now and just be at one with Him.


Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Follow me…’ (Matthew 9:9)

Are we willing to follow our Lord to those places where we would choose not to go? Are we willing to follow Him to a life that involves living outside of our own comfort zone and making sacrifices along the way? Are we willing to follow Him no matter how long and winding the road may be? Are we willing to follow Him even when others around us are going their own way?

Follow me…

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Follow me…’ (Matthew 9:9)

Every day the Lord calls us to walk with Him along the path of life and as best we can to follow His teachings and His example. But how good are we at doing so? No, we can never be perfect and nor should we expect to be, but do we earnestly seek to follow our Lord at all times, or are there times when this becomes too difficult for us so we instead choose a path of our own to follow. Ask the Lord for the strength, courage and faith you need to follow Him everyday – and He will be there to take you by the hand and uplift you if need be.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Follow me…’ (Matthew 9:9)

Two simple words, spoken to Matthew and to all whom Jesus called to be His Disciples. Today that same call is issued to each and every one of us. But what does it mean to follow the Lord?