The retiring offering for Poppy Scotland, during the Service of Remembrance on Sunday 12th November, raised a total of £120.85.
Thank you to everyone who contributed.
The retiring offering for Poppy Scotland, during the Service of Remembrance on Sunday 12th November, raised a total of £120.85.
Thank you to everyone who contributed.
Due to the adverse weather conditions over the last few days, the decision has been taken to cancel the services in both The Abbey Church and Bendochy Church tomorrow (Sunday 22nd October).
The charity shop raised a fantastic total of £2406.
Our sincere and grateful thanks go to all who contributed in any way – whether it was volunteering within the shop, providing items for selling and/or for buying something new to you! This wonderful amount couldn’t have been reached without all your support. Thank you again.
There will be no Friendly Friday in August. Our next one will take place on Friday 1st September.
There will be more information on this nearer the time. A warm welcome will be extended to all.
On the 18th June, we followed our Morning Worship with a “Soup And Sweet Lunch” which raised the sum of £205.50 for Church funds. Many thanks to all for making this such a success!
Bible Study has now finished for this session. Thank you to everyone who came along to this.
We will restart in the Autumn – more details will follow, in due course. Everyone will be welcome to join us for this.
Our next Friendly Friday will take place on the 2nd June in the Abbey Church from 1.30 pm until 3.00 pm.
All are welcome to join us for this.
This is a little reminder that there will be no Bible Study for the next 2 weeks.
We will resume on Wednesday 7th June and all are welcome to join us for that.
Our new Bible Study begins this coming Wednesday, the 10th May, at 7.00pm in the Abbey Church, where we will be looking at the book of James. We will meet on the 10th and 17th of May and then, because of other meetings, there will be a gap of two weeks, resuming on the 7th and 14th of June. All are welcome to come and join us. This week we begin with James 1.
Thank you to all who organised and arranged everything for a special Coronation Friendly Friday today. A good number of people from the church and community came along and had a wonderful time, none of which would have been possible without the commitment of so many.