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Daily Reflection

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‘Jesus continued, ‘There was a man who had two sons…’’ (Luke 15:11-32)


The parable of the lost son is one of the most well-known stories in the Bible and is, in the view of many, one of the greatest short stories ever told. In general terms we follow on from the previous, shorter stories, where we have this wonderful image of God seeking out those who are lost and then rejoicing when they are found and saved. But as we delve deeper into the content, and especially into the characters in the story, there is so much that we can learn from these verses. Many questions can be asked about the behaviour and actions of both sons and about their attitude to life and their Father – and many sermons could and have been written on these verses. But perhaps today we can just reflect on two. If we are completely honest with ourselves, which of these two sons would we most identify with – and why might that be? Which son was ‘more lost’?

Daily Reflection

By Reflections

‘Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering round to hear Jesus…’ (Luke 15:1-10)


Luke chapter 15 is considered by many to be one of, if not the most, joyful chapters in the whole of the Bible. Comprising the stories of the lost sheep, the lost coin and finally the lost son, it is, in some sense, a gospel within the Gospel. Looking at the first stories, using analogies that would have been familiar to His audience,  the message is clear – our God is a loving, caring God who searches out for those who are lost and who then rejoices when we are found and saved. Praise God!

Daily Reflection

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‘When He noticed how the guests picked the places of honour at the table He told them this parable…’’ (Luke 14:7-11)

This short parable has one simple lesson at the heart of it and that is the need for humility. No matter how important we may think we are, no matter what we may have achieved in life, no matter what we may have attained  – we are nothing without the grace of our Lord and we must remember that.


Daily Reflection

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‘Jesus spoke this parable, ‘A man had a fig tree planted in his garden…’’ (Luke 13:6-9)

This short parable is one which not only offers hope but also contains a warning. Fig trees usually come to maturity after three years at which time they will bear fruit, however, this one had failed to do so. The owner wished to cut it down, but the keeper of the vineyard convinced him to wait one more year. So what do we learn from this – well a couple of things.

One of the most searching questions we can ask of ourselves is what purpose we have in life. It’s one of the most profound questions we can ask ourselves and one which will produce a whole host of emotions and thoughts from within us as we search for that answer. Why? Because we need to believe that we have some purpose in life and at one level this parable suggests that too. Indeed it goes further and suggests that to have no purpose and to be of little use invites ruin upon ourselves. As children of God our purpose is to glorify Him through worship and service. Are we fulfilling that purpose?

The parable then goes on to teach us that if we simply take all the time without giving anything in return then again we will face this same ruin. The fig tree was drawing sustenance and nourishment from the soil which was being tended around it, but offering nothing in the way of fruit in return. How much more does God provide sustenance and nourishment for us each and every day – and what do we offer Him in the way of fruit in return?

Finally, the parable offers us hope. Such is His love for us and such is His gracious mercy and compassion that God will always give us another chance. Yet even here we have a final warning. Yes, God will always give us another chance however, if we continue to refuse God’s grace and mercy, whilst He will not refuse us, by our choice and action, ultimately we will refuse Him and be cut off from Him for all eternity.

Daily Reflection

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Someone in the crowd said to Him, ‘Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me…’ (Luke 12:13-21)

 Jesus tended not to get involved in personal disputes between individuals, however, the question asked of him here gave him the opportunity to offer us a valuable lesson on how we should seek to live our lives each day. So what does it say to us?

The man who asked Jesus this question would appear to be very selfish and never saw beyond himself, or his own needs and desires. We have no idea of the full circumstances of his brothers’ life, yet that appears to be of little consequence to this man. He is only interested in himself and gaining whatever he can for himself. As Christians we are called to share what we have with others, particularly those who have so little and if ever we need reminding of that the remaining verses of this parable are a stark reminder.

As well as never looking beyond himself this man never looked beyond this this world and his time here on earth. All his plans were based and made on the life he enjoyed here and now with no thought given to his eternal soul. Those who do likewise might be destined for a shock one day – that’s the stark warning that we are given here.

Daily Reflection

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‘Then Jesus said to them, ‘suppose you have a friend’…’ (Luke 11:5-13)

Of all the parables found in the Gospel narratives this is one of those which is often most misunderstood or misinterpreted. The real lesson in this parable is not simply the question of persistence in terms of our prayer life, although it does not excuse us from intensity in prayer. However, it is not about ‘wearing God down’ until He gives in to our prayer requests. Indeed it is not about comparisons of any kind, rather it is about contrasts.

If a friend can be coerced into giving in to the requests of another friend through his continued persistence, how much more will God, who is loving and compassionate, supply our needs. We are not ‘twisting God’s arm’ to answer our prayers, He will lovingly and willingly do so. However, there is one thing we need to remember. If God does not answer our prayers as we anticipate or expect Him to, it is not He hasn’t heard or grudgingly refuses to answer, but rather because He has something better for us. There is no such thing as unanswered prayer!

Daily Reflection

By Reflections

‘….And who is my neighbour?…’ (Luke 10:29-37)

Having looked at the parables in Matthew’s Gospel and given that, for the most part, it is these same parables we find in Mark’s Gospel, albeit sometimes written slightly differently, we shall move on to those parables found only in Luke’s Gospel, beginning with one of the most well- known of all.

The parable of the Good Samaritan is possibly the most universally known parable of all that we find in any of the Gospel narratives. Even those who would not claim to have any faith whatsoever have heard of the Good Samaritan, even if they are not fully aware of the content or context of the story. The question is, however, what does it say to us today?

If we look at this story in great detail and consider the question initially asked by the expert in the law, …and who is my neighbour?…, alongside the different characters we find portrayed here, there is enough material here for many sermons. Yet for all that, if we look straight to the heart of what Jesus is saying here, there is one clear and simple message that should be obvious to all of us.

We must be willing to help others at all times, even if that involves a cost to us, and not just in a financial sense. Such help should not be discrimatory in any sense of the word. No matter the gender, race or background of an individual, our offer of help should be the same. And finally, any help we offer must be practical and not just a passive sense of compassion. Only the Samaritan was willing to offer such help in this story.


P.S. In the Gospel of John (8:48) Jesus was called a Samaritan by some Jews. Why might this have been?

Daily Reflection

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‘Again it will be like a man going on a journey…’ (Matthew 25:14-30)

It seems clear that in its original context this parable was aimed at the Scribes and Pharisees who may have been listening to what he was saying. They were the ones entrusted with the Torah and its application but their attitude to the law and truth of God was such that they wanted to keep it exactly as it was. In theory this might have been okay, however, in practical terms their application was so regimented that it became like a ‘ticking of the boxes’ and going through the procedures. They ‘practised’ their faith devoid of any love or compassion – the very things that should have been at the heart of the law – and they stopped others from doing so as well.

But for us today there is more to it than this. This passage tells us that God gives us all gifts, but not all gifts are the same and nor should we expect them to be same. The important thing is how we use the gifts God has given us – no matter what they might be. The gifts we are given are not simply for our own self-edification, although they undoubtedly can help us grow in faith. Rather, they are intended to be used as we play our part in the building up of God’s Kingdom, so whatever gifts we have should be used in our worship and service of the Lord.

As to the reward for doing so – more work to undertake in His name. The work of the Kingdom is never done and we should all do what we can, whenever we can, in that service. The worst thing we can do is nothing! Even if we try and use our gifts but somehow fail in our goal, still that is better than not using our gifts at all.

There is a saying in life that applies to almost every talent or skill that any of us may have. Use it or lose it! Playing a musical instrument, participating in any sporting activity, the pursuit of academic qualifications – unless we use the gifts we have been given in these areas we will ultimately lose them. In terms of our faith life the same applies. Unless we use our God given gifts in His service and in the service of others, we will lose them – and what then!



Daily Reflection

By Reflections

‘At that time the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom…’ (Matthew 25:1-13)

This parable at the beginning of chapter 25 comes after a difficult chapter 24 speaking about the destruction of the Temple and the end of time. In that chapter it could be argued that there are lessons that could be classed as parables in the discourse on the fig tree and the one on the wicked and faithful servant, parables which speak to us of the coming of Jesus Christ as King and our need to be ready and prepared for that. However, we will move on to chapter 25 and this parable which speaks to us of the fate of those who are unprepared.

To the audience of Pharisees and others in authority who may have been listening this parable is directed towards them in rather a blunt way. Quite simply, they were God’s chosen people, they knew that one day He would send His chosen one, the Messiah, their history was steeped in that promise and they should have prepared for that day, ready to embrace it and their Messiah when that day came. Yet they failed to do so and would therefore be shut out from the Kingdom.

As for us today, there are perhaps two main lessons we can take from this. First of all, we need to be prepared to meet our Lord. As we go through life there are some things that we cannot leave until the last minute before we seek to acquire or attain them. We cannot, for example, expect to pass our driving test and obtain our licence if the first time we sit ‘behind the wheel’ is only 30 minutes before the test, nor indeed can we expect to pass any exam if we only first read the course notes 30 minutes before we take the exam. The warning is clear, do not leave it too late to prepare ourselves to meet with the Lord – as it says, we never know when that time will come!

And secondly, we have to make our own preparations and come to know the Lord for ourselves. We cannot depend on our relationships with others who know the Lord – we cannot ‘adopt’ their relationship with Him and think that is enough. We must know the Lord for ourselves, otherwise we risk being shut out like those at the end of this passage.

Daily Reflection

By Reflections

‘Jesus again answered them in parables: The Kingdom of Heaven is like the situation which arose when a man who was a King arranged a wedding for his son…’ (Matthew 22:1-14)

Although they form one continuous narrative, over the years there has been much debate as to whether these verses actually constitute two separate parables – verses 1-10 and then verses 11-14 and the fact that it begins with Jesus again answered them in parables (plural) has added to this. No doubt these discussions will continue. Personally, I like to think of verses 11-14 as being a kind of P.S. to the opening 10 verses, but that’s just my view on it. What does it say to us?

The invited guests represent the people of Israel, God’s chosen people. Over the years they had turned their backs on God and rejected Him, time and time again, and even when He sent His own Son among them, still they rejected Him. Those out on the highways are the Gentiles and sinners who would never have expected such an invitation to come their way, but who joyfully accepted when it did.

For us today this parable first of all reminds us that the invitation to God’s Banquet is a joyous occasion and one which we should joyfully embrace. But it also teaches us a few things. Some of the reasons given by those who rejected the invitation weren’t in themselves all that bad; they were things that we might be involved in every day of our lives. However, the lesson for us here is this. It is so easy to get caught up in our own affairs every day, to be caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, that suddenly we forget Christ. And once we forget Him we might start to neglect Him, and continue to neglect Him, even to the point that we miss out on the greatest gift of all – eternal salvation.

This invitation comes to us by the Grace of God Himself and was an invitation offered to all  – to all – through the birth, death and resurrection of our Lord and that takes us to the P.S. as I call it. Grace is the most wonderful we can possibly imagine and we should all embrace it joyfully, however, it comes with responsibilities also. Once we accept this wonderful gift of God we cannot continue to live our lives as they were before coming to Him. Yes we will make mistakes and stumble along the way, but we must consciously seek to change our lives by seeking, as best we can, to follow in our Lord’s footsteps. In any walk of live the way the way in which we approach things and present ourselves speaks volumes about the spirit in which we are doing so. So it should be in terms of our faith lives.

Through His Son God invites us all to Himself, every single one of us, and He will rejoice when we accept that invitation. But saying yes to God has to be yes – and that means allowing Christ to clothe us in His Grace and allowing that to change our lives.