There will be 2 Soup Lunches this month. Please join us on Wednesdays 9th and 23rd in the Abbey Church.
12 noon until 2.00 pm. All are very welcome.
There will be 2 Soup Lunches this month. Please join us on Wednesdays 9th and 23rd in the Abbey Church.
12 noon until 2.00 pm. All are very welcome.
10.00 am – 12 pm on Saturday 14th September 2024.
All welcome
Home baking, preserves, raffle, tombola, Pot the Ball, Bric-A-Brac, Play Your Cards Right, Lucky Dip and free kids’ craft table.
Entry – Adults £3.00 Accompanied children 50p
The admission price includes tea/coffee/juice and cakes.
The deadline for the submission of articles, information and other items for the next magazine is Sunday 18th August 2024.
Submissions can be emailed to or provided in hard copy.
There will be blueberry-picking at Ashgrove Mill, Blairgowrie on Monday 19th August 2024 from 10.00 am until 1 pm.
Members from the Abbey Church will be marshalling at this event, so please come along and help raise funds for the Abbey Church.
The Charity Shop will run from 3-10 August 2024.
Proceeds will be shared between Christian Aid and Christians Against Poverty (CAP).
Please support this in any way you can.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the charity shop – whether it was donating items, buying items or volunteering within the shop. With your help, we raised the wonderful sum £2100 for church funds. Many thanks.
Our Stated Annual Meeting will be held in the Abbey Church, after Morning Worship, on Sunday 9th June 2024.
Soup and sandwiches will be served after the meeting.
The closing date for articles for the next edition of the Isla Link is 28th May 2024.
These should be sent to Rachel Ewins at
Between Friendly Fridays and Soup Lunches over the past couple of years, a total of £700 has been raised for Church funds. We thank all those who have given so generously to these events.
The charity shop, to raise funds for the Abbey, is to be from 6th July until 13th July 2024.
It is a while away yet but please start thinking about what you would like to donate. If you would like items to be uplifted for you, please speak to Ellen or Kathleen nearer the time. All donations will be very gratefully received.