‘The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field…’ (Matt. 13:44)
How would we describe the Kingdom of Heaven? What does it mean to us?
‘The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field…’ (Matt. 13:44)
How would we describe the Kingdom of Heaven? What does it mean to us?
People are often heard to say, ‘it’s a sign of the times…’ But what exactly do we mean by this? All too often it’s perhaps not often something that is said when all is well, shall we say. Rather it’s maybe something we say when we’re dismayed about a situation; when we’re maybe despondent and perhaps even when we’re being cynical about something that has happened.
Something we say out of frustration, anger, dismay or whatever…‘it’s a sign of the times…’
And if we were to be asked to say what we think are the signs of the times that we live in today, what would we point to. People struggling to make ends meet. More and more people living on and below the poverty line. People having to choose between heating and food…‘It’s a sign of the times…’
John’s Gospel is itself, not only all about signs – signs that are there to reveal Jesus as the living Son of God, God Incarnate, the revelation of God Himself. It is full of stories of individuals who would apparently wish Jesus to show them some sign.
Of course, in all he says and does, Jesus offers them the obvious sign of his own ministry – at least that’s the way John presents his Gospel narrative. But no-one can be bothered to try and interpret that sign. The only signs that they are interested in are the miraculous healing signs that are such a strongly attested part of Jesus ministry…
But what do they believe they are signs of…Do they think of them as signs of the times…
Are they willing to look beyond the immediate sign itself and see what it might be pointing to, what this sign might herald, the real significance of what Jesus was saying and doing. Or do they see these signs, the miracles, as some kind of quick fix…
Nicodemus hasn’t come to Jesus looking for such a sign, although he has in all probability, already witnessed some of Jesus miracles for himself. Which is maybe why he has already come to his own conclusion that Jesus’ actions are in some way connected with the activity of God.
However, although Nicodemus may have it in his head that Jesus is indeed someone who has come from God. He doesn’t appear to be prepared to take a stance on that. He’s not yet willing to jeopardise his position and status as a leader of the Jews, until he is clear which is the winning side.
Nicodemus maybe thinks that he is backing a potential winner in Jesus, but as of yet he’s not wanting to take any risks in making his views known yet, just in case…
Yet the reality is, Nicodemus doesn’t know that he is seeing – not a sign worker – but God’s own Son. He doesn’t realise that he is standing in the presence, not of someone chosen by God, or even empowered by God. But of God Himself…
And when we’re confronted with the son of God in this way, inexpensive goodwill and qualified acceptance will not do. The luxury of sitting on the side-lines and hedging our bets, of not coming to a decision and taking responsibility for doing so – is not something that Jesus offers.
But what about the world we live in today…
It may be a sign of the times that we live in today where many come to God and to His Son only when they feel they need to, when they have no other option. Then they might come to God to see what He is like – what He can offer them.
But the simple fact is that the only way we can truly know what God is like, the only way that we can truly know what His purposes for us and indeed the world are, is to commit ourselves to the Son of God.
Whose lifting up on the cross was to be the true sign of God’s loving design for each and every one of us.
No matter what he may have thought when he came to Jesus, Nicodemus cannot possibly go home pretending to be baffled or confused by what Jesus said. He surely now has to know that the time for trying to have his cake and eat it has come and gone. He cannot have it both ways, he has to decide…And so do we today…
If we want to know God, to truly know God, then we have to come to Jesus – We have to make that decision…
When we look at the world around us today and see and hear all that is going on there is no doubt that there are many things that we could point to as being signs of the times in our society today. But I wonder if the one sign that we all need to sit up and take notice of is this. That for all the many reasons we might be able to give for the world being the way it is and all these signs of the times that we might talk about.
The one thing that lies at the root of them all is the fact that we have turned away from God.
And as a consequence, today more than ever, we need to look to Jesus Christ. We need to look to His teaching, to His example – and as best we can incorporate this into our way of life. And in saying this, that’s not to over simplify things or make light of so much that is happening in the world today,
But the reality is this, if we looked to the clear signs that Jesus showed himself to be the son of the living God…If we looked to the clear signs that point to Him being our Saviour…If we looked to the clear sign that we need His teaching and example so badly in the world today…
And if we followed those signs, if we allowed them to guide us through our lives and dictate how we should live. Then who knows what might be possible…
‘…just speak the word and my servant will be cured…’ (Luke 7:7)
The faith shown by the Roman Centurion in this passage is one of the greatest examples of faith in the New Testament. But how does our faith compare to this?
‘Seeing their faith, Jesus turned to the man on the stretcher and said to him, “My son, your sins are forgiven”‘ (Mark 2:5)
How does our faith compare to the faith demonstrated in this story? Do we believe our sins to be truly forgiven?
‘Jesus travelled throughout Galilee proclaiming the Good News…’ (Matt. 4:23)
What is this Good News and how good are we at proclaiming – in what we say and do?
‘….Do whatever He tells you.”‘ (John 2:5)
Are we obedient to our Lord in this way, do we do what He calls on us to do?
‘Follow me and I will make you fish for people…: (Matt 4:19)
Do we follow Jesus as we should, in the way those disciples did back then? If not, what is holding us back?
‘The Kingdom of God is at hand! Repent and believe the Good News…’ (Mark 1:15)
What is this Good News and do we believe it, embrace it and share it by example in all we say and do?
Sin is one of those old fashioned words that few people use or speak about today, a word from days gone by. Which is perhaps why people seldom think about the consequences of their sinful actions and how they can affect, not only others, but themselves.
There are few descriptions more vivid in depicting the struggle that sin brings to our bodies, hearts and minds than Psalm 32…’body wasted, groaning all day long… strength dried up…’ And if we are completely honest with ourselves in our acknowledgement of our sin, we can surely identify with the aftermath of our poor choices, can we not.
But I wonder also, if we had been there in the wilderness as Jesus was, with his divine power available to us. In our state of tiredness and hunger, would we have fallen for the old, turn the stones into bread temptation…Would we have succumbed, just as we have on so many other occasions over the years.
Yet in a sense that’s kind of the point on this first Sunday in lent; we weren’t there in the wilderness, Jesus was, and crucially, he didn’t fail the test. He accomplished what we cannot – completely and in every way.
What we say and do, what we believe and how in general we behave, is a large part of how other people will think of us and define us and the biblical position on this is that, essentially, we act out of our identity. That who we believe ourselves to be, is the determining factor in what we choose to do. That who we think we are does shape our behaviour…
The only problem is, the Bible tells us clearly that Satan knows this too.
So what then do we take from our Gospel passage.
Perhaps the key to beginning to understanding the story of the temptation of Jesus and what it means for us, lies in three small words, if you are…
If you recall our passage last week about the Transfiguration of Jesus, a voice was heard from heaven saying, this is my beloved Son…this is my beloved Son…’ And here we are now just days later the devil saying to Jesus, if you are the Son of God. In effect presenting Jesus with the opportunity to define what it means to be the beloved Son of God. But there is more to it than that.
Here, in these temptations, Jesus is given the opportunity to win popularity by turning stones into bread – feeding the masses and feeding his ego at the same time. He is given the opportunity to achieve great power by worshipping the devil, thus turning his back on trusting God to provide. He is given the opportunity to achieve great fame by throwing himself off the temple and showing himself to be God’s chosen one by letting the angels catch Him.
But here’s the thing, is it not the case that the temptations that Jesus faced are, to all intents and purposes, the same ones that we face – and fall victim too – on a daily basis.
Are we not guilty at times of seeking power, status, popularity, material goods – whatever – as a means of hedging our bets against the complete uncertainty of the world we live in. When we tell ourselves that in the midst of such uncertainty there is no harm whatsoever in wanting a little more control over our lives. Of grasping whatever opportunities come our way. Is that so bad…
Ultimately, it comes down to a matter of faith, of trust, of belief and confidence in the promises of God – to love and care for us throughout life’s trials and temptations. The things the devil wanted Jesus to do as the Son of God are selfish, and self-serving and ultimately self-glorifying. But Jesus rejected them because being centred on self is inconsistent with being the Christ – the beloved, the Son of God, the one sent to save others…
During his time in the wilderness, as we do on a daily basis almost, Jesus would have struggled with his identity in the face of such temptation. But because Jesus knew exactly who He was, the question of what he should do was already answered. And when He came out of that time of testing, absolutely clear on who He was and why He had come, He began to preach the Kingdom of God at hand – He behaved in accordance with his true identity. To be the Christ, the Son of God meant following a certain path laid out for Him. A way of being in the world that led him to do certain things – preaching, healing, confronting evil.
Throughout these forty days of Lent we too are called to contemplate the life of Jesus – His path of service and obedience to God, His living out His identity as the Son of God. But as we do that, we must ask ourselves some identity questions, both as individuals and as a church – a gathering of god’s people.
Who am I, who are we, really, and what is God calling me / us to do…
Are we disciples of Jesus, a people whom God has called together to be the body of Christ in this world today?
And if we are indeed the beloved Children of God, what is God calling us to do. And perhaps more importantly are we prepared to do it…..
‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test…’ (Matt. 4:7)
How often do we test our Lord by our everyday actions?