‘Then Jesus shouted, Lazarus, come out…’ (John 11:43)
It’s difficult for us to imagine or visualise this scene, but why is this passage so important?
‘Then Jesus shouted, Lazarus, come out…’ (John 11:43)
It’s difficult for us to imagine or visualise this scene, but why is this passage so important?
‘My sheep recognise my voice; I know them and they follow me…’ (John 10:27)
In this busy world that we live in, with all that we have to do each and every day, how easy is it to always recognise the voice of Our Lord? Do we – and if not, what do we need to do in order to follow Him as we should?
Read John 12:20-36
This is a defining moment for Jesus after His entry into Jerusalem as He looks to the cross. Now His mind and energy are focussed on what lies ahead, but there is little time left to impress on both His disciples, and the wider audience, how important this moment really is.
John tells us that at this crucial time the voice of God was heard, not only by Jesus but by the crowd standing there. Perhaps this should serve as a reminder to us that God is not silent, and perhaps it is more that we are not attuned to listening for his voice.
‘As water reflects your face, so your mind shows what kind of person you are…’ (Proverbs 27:19)
What does our mind say about us?
‘I am the Lord your God who holds your right hand…’ (Isaiah 41:13)
To know that as we walk through life, every step of the way the Lord is with us, holding us by the hand – what a wonderful comfort and joy this is.
‘The Lord is full of tenderness and mercy…’ (James 5:11)
Life can at times seem harsh and there will always be occasions when, in response to this, we will think, say or do things that we know we shouldn’t. What a comfort then to know that we can depend upon this tender love and mercy from the Lord.
‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners…’ (1 Timothy 1:15)
As we journey through Lent to the cross with our Lord, let’s never forget why Jesus undertook that journey – a journey He didn’t have to take, but did – to save us.
This coming Sunday, the 3rd of April, we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion in both Churches at the usual times o1 10.00am in Bendochy Church and 11.15am in the Abbey Church.
Read John 11:1-16
As we read these verses, what are some of the main points that we can learn from them?
Read John 11:17-37
What are the really important verses in this portion of scripture and what do they reveal to us?
Read John 11:38-44
‘O Lord, you have searched me and known me…’ (Psalm 139:1)
How well do we truly know those around us every day in life? Our family, friends, neighbours and colleagues – do we truly know everything about them, all that is in their hearts and heads? Maybe we do. What we do know, however, is that God knows everything about us and, as the Psalmist would go on to say in these verses, there is nowhere we can hide from Him and nothing we can keep from Him. But still the Lord wants us to talk to Him, to commune with Him and to share with Him all that we are and all that we do. The question is, do we?