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Daily Reflection

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‘If you think you can stand up to temptation, be careful not to fall…’ (1 Cor. 10:12)

We all face temptation every day in life – it comes to us in many forms and guises. Sometimes we are able to see it for what it is but at other times we are not. But perhaps of more concern is how at times we seem to disregard those temptations that we deem to be small or insignificant and therefore believe that we can stand up to them in our own strength and merit. Invariably we fail to do so. Not only that, we then convince ourselves that because the temptation was small and insignificant that the resultant fall into sin was also small and of little consequence. But the thing is – sin is sin!

However, on this Ash Wednesday, at the beginning of Lent, we are reminded of how our Lord did overcome temptation and would go on to overcome sin and death. As a result of this, of we come before the Lord and acknowledge our failure to overcome temptation, then through faith we might all find life in Him. Praise be to God!

On Line Bible Study

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Our on line Bible study for Lent begins on Wednesday the 2nd of March at 7.00pm and everyone is welcome to join us for this. It is friendly and informal and as it is on line lasts for only 40 minutes. If you would like to join in please email the minister on  and he will forward you the link and joining instructions.

Dily Reflection

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‘When I am afraid, O Lord Almighty, I put my trust in you…’ (Psalm 56:3)

When things happen in life that cause us to be fearful what do we do and to whom do we turn? Do we put our trust in our own strength and resources? Do we turn to others for help, guidance and advice? No doubt we do all of these. But when do we turn to the Lord? Before doing any of the above or after we have exhausted the above? Look to the Lord first and put your trust in Him.

Daily Reflection

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‘Care about others as much as you care about yourselves…’ (Philippians 2:4)

As we live out our daily lives do we care for others in the way that we care for ourselves?

Daily Reflection

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‘O Lord my God, how great you are…’ (Psalm 104:1)

Pause for a moment to consider all that we see, hear and experience every single day in life. Birds, animals and insects; trees and flowers; other people, male, female, young and old; clouds drifting across the sky, a cold wind on our faces, a bright shining sun and heavy falls of rain and snow; a great multitude of stars in the night sky along with other planets and galaxies. All of this came into being through the creative power of God and even today is all sustained the the hand of the Lord. O Lord my God, how great you are indeed.

Daily Reflection

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‘I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand…’ (Isaiah 41:10)

Life is not always plain sailing and there are times when we all feel tired and weak, when we all feel that we need some help and support. Of course we can look to family and friends and we find this from them. However, ultimately we need to look to the Lord. No one can offer the strength, help and support that He can – and it will remain with us at all times.

Daily Reflection

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‘I pray to You, O God, because You answer me…’ (Psalm 17:6)

Prayer is essential in our relationship with the Lord. Yes, God knows what we need before we come to Him – He knows all that is in our hearts and minds. However, even though the Lord knows everything about us, still we should come before Him in prayer, not simply to bring before Him our prayers of thanksgiving, petition or intercession, but also so that we come come to know Him more. Because the more we know the Lord – not know of Him, but know Him in our hearts and souls – the more we allow Him into our lives.

Daily Reflection

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‘The unfailing love of the Lord never ends…'(Lamentations 3:22)

What a wonderful and uplifting verse this is – to know that the love of God never fails and never ends. Praise be to God.

Daily Reflection

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‘Follow me and you won’t be walking in the dark. You will have the light that gives life…’ (John 8:12)

How often do we feel as if we are just stumbling through each day? How often do we feel as if each day is nothing but a haze, where we feel enshrouded by some form  of darkness? How often do we lack any real vision because we cannot really see where we are going? If you ever have days like this, take time to reflect on this verse and look to the light of Jesus Christ – the light that shines in the darkness and which the darkness never has and never will put out.

Daily Reflection

By Reflections

‘Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about what happens to you…’ (1 Peter 5:7)

All too often we wait until we have explored all possibilities and all options about how we can deal with things in our life ourselves, before coming to the Lord. But what we should do is hand everything over to Him first. The Lord cares for us and by His Spirit is with us at all times, wanting to help us in all we do. So whenever the pressures of life bear down on you, whenever you feel tired and unsure of how to move on from where you are, look to the Lord and He will guide you.