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Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.’ ( James 5:16)

Prayer is one of the most powerful resources we have in our Christian faith. God not only listens to us when we come before Him in prayer, He also answers. He may not always give us precisely what we ask for but such is His love for us that He knows what is best for us and for those situations that we might bring before Him. Ultimately, prayer helps create that loving bond between us and God and helps us to grow and flourish in our faith and in our love for Him. So why not take time to be with Him now and bring to Him all that is on your heart.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘I know the Lord is always with me…’ (Psalm 16:8)

Just take time now to consider these few words from the Psalmist and ask yourselves, do you believe what the Psalmist says – truly believe with all of your heart? If so give thanks to the Lord for the comfort and joy this brings to you and if not, draw close to Him now that you might indeed know that He is always by your side.

Daily Reflection

By Reflections

‘…with God everything is possible.’ (Matthew 19:26)

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where feel as if there is no way out, or we find ourselves faced with some kind of obstacle that we can see no way round. At such times it’s easy to be filled with despair and become despondent. However, this short verse reminds us that with God there is a way round and there is a way out. The situation might not change nor the obstacle disappear, but knowing that the Lord is with us to help us and guide us makes all the difference and in His strength we can find a way.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘…so is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire…’ (Isaiah 55:11)

As we read from God’s Word each day, not only will we find comfort, peace, comfort and encouragement, but through the Holy Spirit we are able to learn how God wants us to live our lives each and every day. But for this to happen we need to allow God’s Word to work in our life to help accomplish His purpose for us. But do we? Pray today that the Holy Spirit will move within you, to help you to discern God’s Word and apply it to your life today and every day.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Delight yourself in the Lord…’ (Psalm 37:4)

As we live out our busy lives each day it’s so easy to get so engrossed in the daily grind of life that we lose sight of our Lord. We fail to see all the glory and wonder of His creation around us and of His hand at work, not only in our own lives, but in the world around us. So take time now, to press the pause button in your life, to simply delight in the Lord and allow His love to pour over you once again.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him…’ (1 Cor. 2:9)

Just pause for a few seconds to reflect on these words from Paul and then give thanks to God for the wonderful love He has for us.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found…’

(Psalm 119:35)

What is it that makes us happy in life? The love of family and friends, the good health and well being of our family, job and financial security. All of these, without doubt, affect our emotional state at different times in our life. But for true happiness according to the Psalmist, the best to attain this is to walk  the path that God has set before us.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘And my God will meet all your needs…’ (Phil. 4:19)

What a comfort and joy for us to know the Lord is always there for us, no matter where we are or what we are doing, He is by our side looking out for us and will never leave us on our own.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘God has given gifts to each of you…’ (1 Peter 4:10)

To all who claim the Lord as their Saviour, He will pour His Spirit upon them. With that outpouring God gives to us all gifts, gifts that can be used for our own personal edification as we seek to grow in our faith, but gifts also that we should used to share the Gospel with all people. Ask the Lord how you can best use the gift He has given you to bear witness to Him and glorify His name,

Latest Updates

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As you will no doubt be aware, we moved ‘beyond level zero’ on Monday 9th of August. With this the legal requirement to socially distance has been removed, although the Church of Scotland suggested that we might wish to consider keeping this in place for a further few weeks. Both Kirk Sessions have been consulted on this over the past week and have decided as follows.

At Bendochy Church the need to socially distance will be removed, although members of the congregation are free to choose to do so when they sit in the pews. However, all other measures remain in place ie. the need to hand sanitise on entry to and exit from the church, following a one way system within the church, the need to wear face coverings at all times (unless exempt) and the need to give contact details for Test and Protect.

At the Abbey Church the seating will remain as it is at the moment for another few weeks. At this spacing of 1m we are able to accommodate between 64 and 75 people. This will be reviewed at the end of August and as with Bendochy, all other measures remain in place at this time also.