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Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘The Lord remembers us and will bless us…’ (Psalm 115:12)

As we live out our daily lives, we can so easily feel as if life itself takes so much out of us in terms of our energy and our emotions, and all too often this can lead to us feeling somewhat down, especially when it seems as if there is always something else that we need to deal with, When those moments come ‘hit the pause button’ and take a step back and come to the Lord. Come to the Lord and remember words like this from the Psalmist – and in these words take comfort and strength.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus…’ (Heb. 12:1)

Our journey through life can at times be tough and full of obstacles and temptation along the way, so much so that we may on occasion have doubts and questions as to the reason for this journey. When those times come, look to the Lord – look to Him and focus on Him and He will guide us on our way.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Make a joyful noise to the Lord…’ (Psalm 100:1)

Give thanks to the Lord today for all He has given you and all He has done for you, and rejoice in His goodness and love.

Latest News From Both Churches

By News

From the first Sunday in July, Sunday the 4th of July, we will be able to sing again in both churches. However, face coverings do still need to be worn and all other restrictions remain in place ie. social distancing etc. I am also delighted to say that we have appointed a new organist, Mrs. Alison Malcolm, and Alison will begin in both churches on the 4th of July. Further to that, I’m also delighted to say that from Sunday the 4th of July Bendochy Church will be open for worship every Sunday. The current restrictions still remain in place, but from Sunday the 4th we will have weekly services in Bendochy at 10.00am and in the Abbey Church at 11.15am, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘My grace is sufficient for you…’ (2 Cor. 12:9)

This verse comes in the middle of that well known passage where Paul pleads to the Lord three times to have a ‘thorn in his flesh’ removed. What this thorn was, we do not know. We assume it was something physical, but there could also have been some emotional or spiritual aspect to it also. However, the Lord reminds Paul that His grace is sufficient – and maybe this is something we all need to remember and hold on to. I expect we all have our own thorns to deal with in our everyday lives. But whatever they are and no matter what form they take, take comfort and strength from these words.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Freely you have received; freely give…’ (Matthew 10:8)

Do we share with others the love of Christ as we should? Do we share with them the Good News of salvation? Do we offer the same forgiveness the Lord offers to others? Do we show the same grace and mercy the Lord shows to us? ‘Freely you have received; freely give…’

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name…’ ( Psalm 96:8)

According to the shorter catechism our chief aim is to glorify God. The question is, how do we do this? The short answer; by seeking as best we can to live our lives in the way He showed us to and offering care, compassion, love, kindness and forgiveness to all, to the glory and honour of His name.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Call to me and I will answer…’ (Jeremiah 33:3)

What a privilege and joy we have, to know that whenever we call on the Lord that He will hear and He will answer – what a comfort to know. However, we must never forget that the Lord may not always answer as we would wish – but always as He knows best for us. So why not take some time now to call on the Lord and share with Him all that is in your heart.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Behold, God is great…’ (Job 36:26)

How often, I wonder, do we stop to consider the greatness of God – His wisdom, His holiness, His might, His mercy, His love – yet still He loves and care for us so completely. Praise be to God!