We are now in level 1 in the Government’s Tier System which means that once all the appropriate Risk Assessments have been carried out we will be allowed to sing during worship. However, we still have to socially distance in church and we do still have to wear face coverings, even when singing. Both Kirk Sessions will be discussing this at their meetings next week and more will follow after this.
‘Jesus said to them, “Have faith in God…”‘ (Mark 11:22)
What is faith? What does it mean to say we have faith? Questions such as this have been pondered over and discussed by many over the years – and still are today. Hebrews chapter 11 talks of faith as being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see, before going on to give examples of Biblical characters who demonstrated such faith. But what does this mean for us as we live our lives each day?
‘I will sing of the Lord’s great love for ever…’ (Psalm 89:1)
How often, I wonder, do we stop to consider each day just how great the Lord’s love for us is. A love so great that He would come and live among us, take our sins and sorrows upon Himself and offer up His life for us. Thank you Lord for love such as this and help us to share this with others in all we say and do.
‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest….'(Matt. 11:28)
We all, each and every one of us, have our burdens to bear and sometimes they weigh upon us so much that we stumble in our following of the Lord. But if we hold on to our faith and come to Him, Jesus can help bear that burden and give us some rest.
‘Give us this day our daily bread…'(Luke 11:3)
Give thanks today for the Lord’s provision to us and for His feeding of us both physically and spiritually.
‘Let the whole earth be filled with His glory…’ (Psalm 72:19)
Take time today to look upon the glory of the Lord in all those everyday sights and sounds that we perhaps take for granted, for the Lord holds all things in the palm of His mighty yet gentle hands.
‘Lord I believe, help me in my unbelief…’ (Mark 9:24)
How often might we have to pray these words? No matter how strong our faith may be, no matter how great our belief in Christ as our Lord and Saviour may be, there are times when we act as if we have little or no faith at all. Lord, I believe – help me in my unbelief !
‘Worship God…’ ( Rev. 22:9)
Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, please take time each day to worship the Lord and give Him the praise, honour and glory that He is due.
‘Lord I believe – help me in my unbelief…’ (Mark 9:24)
No matter how strong we believe our faith to be, there will always be times when we have questions, doubts or concerns which may impact upon our faith. Pray that the Lord gives you the strength to not only hold on to your faith when these times come, but also grow in faith, knowing that He is always with you.
‘God is love…’ (1 John 4:16)
God is not only loving, God not only teaches us and shows us how to love through His Son – God is love. So allow God to embrace you in the love He has shown in His Son and pours upon us each ay through His Spirit – and then share this love with others.