There will be a service this Sunday, the 16th, in both churches at the usual times of 10.00am and 11.15am. Next Sunday, the 23rd, there will be no service in Bendochy Church.
You will have heard on the news this week that from Monday the 17th of May we are moving into level 2 and various restrictions are now being eased. However, in terms of our Sunday worship there is no change and the restrictions currently in place remain so – the need to socially distance, wear face coverings, use hand sanitiser, record details of attendance and no singing. We hope and pray that this will change soon, however, for the time being these restrictions remain in place.
‘In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice…’ (Psalm 5:3)
The Psalmist reminds us that when we waken up each day, the Lord is already there by our side, ready to listen to us as we come before Him. So let’s start each day by coming to the Lord – giving thanks for each that day and asking for His strength, guidance and help as we navigate our way through it, at all times, as best we can, living out our lives of faith.
‘If you love me, keep my commands…’ (John 14:15)
Through His Son, Jesus, God has revealed just how great his love for us is and during one of His final discourses with His Disciples, our Lord makes this simple request of them, ‘if you love me, keep my commands…’ Yet we all know that keeping these commands isn’t always that easy. So in your prayers ask the Spirit to help you, to help you keep those commands of Jesus, focussing on the two great commands He gave to us – to love the Lord our God with all our heart, strength, soul and mind, and to love our neighbour as ourselves. If we can begin to do this, that’s a good way to start.
‘The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God…’ (Romans 8:16)
Just pause for a few seconds to allow the words of this verse to reach into your heart and soul, and then give thanks to God that He should call us as His own.
‘Pray for us…’ (Hebrews 13:18)
Pray for our new government in Holyrood, that they may govern in line with the will of God and at all times put the needs of God’s people first in all the decisions and policies they make.
‘Pray for us…'(Hebrews 13:18)
Pray for our schoolchildren, students and all within the education system, especially those in our own communities.
‘Pray for us…’ (Hebrews 13:18)
Pray today for our farmers, fishermen and all who work outdoors, often in awful conditions, to help provide us with all we need each day and ask for God’s protection over them in all they do.
‘Pray for us…’ (Hebrews 13:18)
Pray for our own communities, our own families and loved ones and all those whom we hold dear in our hearts, especially those who are bereaved, ill, feeling alone and uncertain of what lies ahead. Pray that they will know God’s love in a mighty but gentle way and that they will know that we are thinking of and praying for them.
‘Pray for us…’ (Hebrews 13:18)
Pray for our own churches here at Bendochy and Coupar Angus, for all the churches within our presbytery and for every church community throughout the land. Pray that the Good News of Easter continues to be spread far and wide and that more people will come to hear this for themselves and so seek the Lord in their own lives.