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Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Pray for us…’ (Hebrews 13:18)

Pray today for our NHS and Care Workers, our Rescue Services and all whose commitment and dedication to their work help to protect and enhance our quality of life. Give thanks for their devotion to duty, especially in these past 15 months, and continue to uphold them in all they do. Pray also for those most affected by Covid, particularly those who have lost loved ones, and pray that they would know God’s peace in their hearts.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Pray for us….’ (Hebrews 13:18)

Pray today for all in positions of leadership, in our land, in our Church, in our local communities, that the will of God may at all times direct their decisions and actions, and that they may at all times seek to do what is best for all God’s people.

Daily Reflection

By Reflections

‘Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love…’ (Eph. 4:2)

Humility, gentleness, patience and love. In a world where looking to get on in life, no matter the cost to others, is seen in so many ways, pray that these characteristics would be seen more in us all, that we may become more Christ like in our behaviour.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you…’ (Ephesians 1:18)

As you read the words of this verse allow them to penetrate deep into your own hearts and then pray that these same words would be known by others whom you know don’t yet know the Lord.

Latest Updates From CofS

By News

As you will have heard in the news, we have now moved into Level 3 which has brought about a number of changes as things open up out of lockdown. In terms of our worship at Bendochy and the Abbey, however, nothing has really changed as we still have to continue to maintain social distancing. This effectively means that our seating capacity remains as it was previously, with a maximum of 26 people at Bendochy and 44 at the Abbey Church. However, this new capacity is now allowed at funeral services as well as Sunday worship. All the other restrictions that were in place remain in place.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through…’ (1 Thess. 5:23)

Pray for the Lord’s Spirit to be with you today, and with all whom you know, to lead and guide you along the path that He would have you go.

Daily Prayer

By ISLA Link

‘This is my command: love one another…’ (John 15:17)

Seven small words – and yet these seven small words could make an enormous and a wonderful difference if we all lived by them, every minute of every day. So today pray that love might be shown by more people to more people and ask the Lord to help you show this same love to all whom you come into contact with.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you…’ (John 15:7)

During Jesus final days on earth He taught His Disciples some very valuable lessons, perhaps none more so than the one contained in these words. Here Jesus simply reminds them that without Him they could do nothing, but in Him all things are possible. But it also emphasises the power of prayer and how we should take all things to the Lord. So in all we do today, let’s take it to the Lord and let’s allow His Spirit to guide us in all we do.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘If I go away the comforter will come to you…’ (John 16:7)

As we thought of yesterday, wherever we go and whatever we do, by His Spirit the Lord is always with us. At times we might might this dauting and overwhelming, but in this prayer Jesus reminds us that this presence will be comforting and reassuring. So whatever we are doing today and wherever we are going, pray for God’s Spirit to guide you and know that comfort only He can offer.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Where can I go from your spirit, where can I flee from your presence…'(Psalm 139:7)

Give thanks to the Lord that wherever you go and whatever you do, by His Spirit He is always with you – and always will be. Amen.