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Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Take courage. It is I. Do not be afraid…’ (Matthew 6:50)

Every day we may face situations when our courage and our faith is put to the test and we may become fearful – for ourselves, our loved ones, the world around us. These words spoken by Jesus as He walked on the water to His disciples remind us that we need not be fearful. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, whatever we face, the Lord will be with us – all we need do is call on His name and He will be by our side.

Daily Prayer

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‘I always thank God as I remember you in my prayers…’ (Philemon 1:4)

When we pray to God for others we are often thankful for what they may have done or for what God has done in their lives, but how often, I wonder, do we pause to give thanks to God for the wonderful opportunity we have to come before Him in prayer. Take time today, when you come to God in prayer, to thank Him that we are indeed able to approach Him in this way, knowing that He will listen and that He will answer.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘The Lord is high above all nations and His glory above the heavens…’ (Psalm 113:4)

In a few words the Psalmist here reminds us of the sheer glory of our Lord and of His greatness, words worth reflecting on even more so now as we enter a period of further restrictions and uncertainty brought on by the pandemic. Things might look bleak at the moment, but the glory of the Lord is all around us, if we would but open our hearts as well as our eyes. So as we come to Him today, ask Him to help us to see His glory in all that we see and experience and to acknowledge His greatness.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘As with gladness men of old, did the guiding star behold…’

As we enter this season of Epiphany, may the Lord be our guiding star in the year ahead.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Then let us all with one accord sing praises to our heavenly Lord…’

These words from the final verse of The First Nowell encourage us to lift our voices in praise to the Lord and what better time to do so than at the beginning of a new year. So as we stand on the threshold of 2021, looking to the year ahead, let’s lift our voices and our hearts to the Lord, not just today but every day of the year ahead.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

God of God, Light of light…

As 2021 begins pray that the Lord might be the light by whom we are all guided this year, particularly those in positions of leadership and authority.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘What can I give Him, poor as I am…

Yet what I can I give Him, give my heart…’


These closing words of In The Bleak Midwinter say quite simply and succinctly what the Lord requires of us – our heart! As another year comes to an end, a year where there has been so much pain and anguish for so many, lets resolve now to give our hearts to the Lord and let’s pray that all people everywhere would do the same.

Daily Prayer

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‘O Holy Child of Bethlehem, descend to us we pray….

O come to us, abide with us, our Lord Immanuel.’

Just simply pray these words over and over again – asking not only for the Lord to be with you, but also with all His children.

Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Joy to the world, the Lord is come…’

We all face times in our life when it seems as if there is nothing to be happy or joyful about and maybe in these last nine months we have felt like this more often than we have in recent times. Yet we can still rejoice for as this Carol reminds us, the Lord is come and He does reign in our lives. Yes, we may still face trials and tribulations, but knowing that the Lord is with us in all of these can make all the difference. So as you come to the Lord today pray that we might allow His peace, joy and love to reign in our hearts and to know that there is always hope for the future.


Daily Prayer

By Reflections

‘Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love Divine,

Love was born at Christmas, star and angels gave the sign…’


In only a few words this well known Christmas Carol says it all. In His one and only Son, God revealed His love for us. The Babe in the Manger was God’s way of letting us know just how much He loved us, by reconciling Himself to us and many years later, in giving His very life for us, that love was offered up sacrificially that we may have life everlasting with our Lord. What love indeed! Come to the Lord today and ask Him afresh to pour His love upon you.