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Short Reflection On Psalm 100

By Reflections

‘For the Lord is good and His love endures forever…’ (Psalm 100:5)

Read Psalm 100

Psalm 100 is perhaps best known to us all in and through the words of the well know hymn, All People That On Earth Do Dwell. It’s a Psalm that unashamedly tells the whole world that the Lord is God and good and then calls upon us all to come before God in worship. It’s a Psalm that was most probably first sung by the people of Israel during certain aspects of Temple worship and is one of a group of eight often known ‘Royal Psalms’ because they celebrate the sovereignty of God – indeed it is often said that of these Royal Psalms, Psalm 100 is almost like a doxology.

When we look at the Psalm we see that it speaks of two characteristics of what true worship actually involves. The first of these is that worship should be joyful and secondly, it should be universal for we are all God’s people, ‘…it is He who made us…’ and we are all called to worship him, ‘Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, serve the Lord with gladness, come before Him with joyful songs…’ If we acknowledge and confess that God is our Lord and King, if we embrace His one and only Son as our Saviour, how can we approach Him with anything but joy in our hearts?

Of course we will all face dark and difficult days, we will all have days when we feel weighed down with many burdens, but even then, if we remember the words of our Lord, come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give your rest…,  then we can some to the Lord knowing that we are His people and that His love endures forever.

But ultimately, we are all called to worship and praise the Lord, not just because He created us and has taken us to Himself to be His own, but because He will always stay with us – and in a few days we will be reminded of this again when we recall the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Disciples at Pentecost, that same Holy Spirit who is with us today. Praise indeed be to the Lord!


Lord we worship and praise You because You alone are worthy of such praise. We give You thanks for Your enduring love and continued presence with us and ask that You would help us to share this love with others wherever we are and at all times. And all this we ask in Jesus name…Amen.


Question Of The Day: What are the eight ‘Royal Psalms’?

Bible Study On Luke

By Reflections

Luke 15:1-10

What prompted Jesus to tell these two parables? 

• Was it because Jesus was associating with ‘sinners’ and He saw this as an opportunity to reach out to them?
• Or was it purely in response to the mutterings of the Pharisees?

What was His main message within these two parables?

• Rejoice when you find something that is lost?

What do these verses say to us in terms of our own faith life?

Luke 15:11-31

Why did Jesus continue with this third parable after the first two?

• Was it for the benefit of the Pharisees?
• Or was it for someone ‘closer to home’?

How exactly was the younger son lost?

And what about the attitude of the older son?

• Was it understandable and fair?
• Or was it harsh and unkind?
• Did he respond in love or was he envious or jealous of his brother?

Which of the two sons was really lost?
How we would have behaved in the position of both these sons?
Which son would we say we were most like?
And how does all of this relate to those mentioned in the opening two verses?

Chapter 15 of Luke’s Gospel is often described as one of, if not, the most joyous chapter in the whole of the Bible. These ‘Lost and Found’ parables in chapter fifteen say everything about the love of God. They highlight that when people are separated from God they are spiritually dead – yet still God’s loves and cares for them, and still He wants nothing more than to ‘find’ them and bring them to Him once again. The story of the Lost Son in particular tells of all the things that can separate us from God, greed, the desire for the worldly things in life, pride, stubbornness and envy, to name but a few. Yet even still, God’s love for us is such that He will willingly welcome us back with open arms, if we would but come before Him in repentance.

Short Reflection On Psalm 98

By Reflections

‘Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth…’ (Psalm 98:4)

Read Psalm 98

When we look at this Psalm it seems evident that it was written in celebration of some kind of victory by the people of Israel over some enemy, yet there is no certainty as to when that may have been. It may have been a victory over the Egyptians, the Babylonians or some other enemy. Either way it is clear that this victory was achieved by the power of the Lord and prompts the people to sing a new song to the Lord.

However, when we look at the Psalm more closely we see that there are a number of three-fold themes that run through it. The first of these is the idea of God the Saviour, God the King and God the Judge. The people are invited, called upon even, to sing for joy to God their Saviour, to worship Him as their King, and along with all creation pay homage to Him as the coming Judge of all the earth.

Also, the Psalmist’s call to praise here is not just because of God’s mighty acts in the past, they are also evidence of the present on-going reign of God and serve as a pledge that one day His righteousness will be established in all the earth. Indeed, whilst this is not perhaps a Messianic Psalm as such, there are words found here, ‘ all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God…’ that are very similar to those in the prophecy of Isaiah (Isa. 52:10) which would ultimately be fulfilled with the coming of Jesus. And in the final verse we even perhaps catch a glimpse of what will happen when Christ comes again in all His glory.


Lord we praise You that You are Lord of all time and space, and that You are Lord and King over all creation. We too sing for joy with gladness in our hearts for all You have given and done for us and ask that You would help us to walk with You each and every day. And all this we ask in Jesus name…Amen.


Question Of The Day: Which prophet prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem?

Church Offerings

By News, Reflections

Over the past couple of weeks one or two people have been asking about the possibility of making a donation or being able to contribute some of their offerings to our churches in this time of lockdown. If anyone would like to like to do so this would be greatly appreciated. As you will all be aware, even although we are unable to gather for worship we still have financial obligations to fulfil so any help in this way would make a difference. Both Kirk Sessions would like to thank all who have been continuing to make their offerings via Standing Order and if anyone would like to consider changing to this means of giving that too would be helpful.

If anyone would like more information on this please contact our respective treasurers David Donaldson (01828 640017) or Peter Godfrey (01828 627028)

Or email myself ( and I can forward on your email to either David or Peter.

Thank you.

Short Reflection On Psalm 95

By Reflections

‘For the Lord is the great God…’ (Psalm 95:3)

Read Psalm 95

It is said that King Henry VIII once said of this Psalm that it was ‘a song stirring to the praise of God…’  and certainly as we begin to read through this Psalm there’s no doubt that it is effectively a call to worship, particularly so in the first half of the Psalm. Look at how many times in these verses we are called to come and worship the Lord. But why is God worthy of such worship? The Psalmist gives two main reasons.

First of all, God is the creator and sustainer of all life. He is the King above all gods – He is the supreme power. All of the earth, from the highest mountains to the deepest oceans, they are all the work of His hands. But not only did God create all things even now He controls the natural order of all things. Essentially, God is our Maker, that is why He is worthy of our praise and worship and based just on this answer how can we not come before Him in worship?

Yet God is not only a great God who created all things; for all His power, might and majesty He is also our God. In words similar to those our Lord Himself spoke in John’s Gospel we see that God is our Shepherd and we are His sheep. This all might and powerful God who created us also cares for us and longs to look after us. How wonderful is it to know that.

However, the Psalm doesn’t end there because not only are we called to worship God, in the final verses we see that we are also called to hear His Word – and note how this comes after the verse about God being our Shepherd, again similar to Jesus words about His sheep knowing His voice. Also, as we have seen in other Psalms it’s almost as if God Himself is talking to us here – and again we have some historical context here referring back to the time of the Exodus when the people continually refused to listen to God.

Psalm 95 at its simplest level is a call to worship and listen to the Lord. However, there is so much in here and its words speak not only to the people at that time but also look back to the time of the Exodus and potentially forward to the time of the Good Shepherd, again showing how the whole of Scripture is so intricately connected. – the living Word of God indeed.

Lord, we thank You for Your loving care over us and ask that You help us not only to listen for Your Word but also, as best we can, to faithfully obey it and share Your love with all people. In Jesus name…Amen.


Question Of The Day: Which of the Prophets called by God was a Herdsman before being called by God?

Ascension Sunday Reflection

By Reflections

Read Acts 1:1-11

 ‘He was taken up before their very eyes…’ (Acts 1:9)

As we journey through life there will be many occasions when that journey will take on a new directions. Occasions when we will begin a new stage in our life. And although our own individual journeys may be completely different, for most us these occasions will be the same. When we leave high school, when we leave university, when we begin our working life, when we get married, when we have our first child.

These are all moments in our lives, which for all of us, will determine what path our life takes from that point on. And sometimes the transition from one stage of our journey to the next will go smoothly with no hiccups. But sometimes that change in direction might be painful where it seems that anything that can go wrong – does. Yet either way, these moments help to shape us and make us the people that we become.

Last week we thought of Jesus telling His disciples that He would have to leave them soon. That time had now come – today is Ascension Sunday, the day when we think of Jesus ascending to once again be with His Father in Heaven. For about three years Jesus had taught His disciples by word and example what it meant to follow the way of God. Teaching them a new way of life and discipleship.

In all that time Jesus led by example – it was Him who spoke the Good News, Him who performed the miracles, Him who made all the decisions. But the one thing that was very explicit in what Jesus did was to show that those who followed Him are in partnership with God – and God expects partners to do their part. When God called Moses to take the Israelites out of Egypt, God expected Moses to do his part. Moses had to go and speak to Pharaoh ten times before he was successful in freeing the people. Moses had then to organize and lead the people out of Egypt and through the desert. God helped Moses, yes – but Moses had to play part.

And this concept of partnership continues through the entire Bible. Our God is a living, active God who can do wonderful things in our life as we witness to Him. But He is also a God who wants us to be active partners in that mission. He doesn’t want us to sit and expect Him to do it all on his own – because that won’t happen. Yes, of course God could do that if he wished. But He wants us to play our part – in the same way those Disciples did back then.

In all He did, yes, Jesus led by example. But He also taught His disciples to be active in ministry and mission. Even sending them out on their own and when they came back to Him asking them who people said He was. And now He tells them when the Holy Spirit comes upon them they are to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth.

In their three years with Jesus these Disciples gained insight into God’s Kingdom as they saw Jesus perform miracle after miracle, preach life-changing sermons and teach eternal truths. They experienced all those the high moments of the life and ministry of Jesus. But they also experienced his suffering and death. However, Jesus used each and every moment – the miracles, the preaching, the suffering, even His death and resurrection, to teach them about ministry and prepare them for the future.

Now it would be up to them. Now they would be the ones who would continue to bear witness to the Good News. Yet, Jesus told them He would not leave them on their own completely, the Holy Spirit would come and be with them. To guide, empower, enable and accompany them through this next stage of their lives – and we will think more of that next week at Pentecost.

Today we have not had the same life experience of Jesus that these Disciples had. We weren’t among those at the feeding of the 5000. We didn’t see the look of joy on the centurion’s face when he discovered his servant had been cure or share in the overwhelming joy of Mary and Martha at the raising of Lazarus. We weren’t witness to Jesus being flogged, beaten and led to Golgotha to be crucified. We will never fully experience the joy of Mary meeting her Saviour as she left the empty tomb. Nor can we ever fully understand the events we read of today. Yet the lesson for us here is quite clear…

Our Lord and Saviour expects us to be involved in ministry with Him – we are all called to play our part, all who would claim to be His Disciples here and now. We might not have those first hand experiences of these Disciples. But through the living Word of God we have all the teaching we need. And we have all the examples we need to enable us to begin the next stage in our journey with Jesus Christ.

In and through His Son, God has chosen us – all of us – to be in a partnership with Him in building up His Kingdom here on earth right now. And with the help and guidance of His Spirit we are to be active in that mission. Using the gifts, talents and resources that God has put at our disposal.

So the only question for us now is this. Will we be partners in full – or partners that are all too often absent. I hope and pray that in all we say and do we may all be faithful witnesses to the power and love – to the Good News of the Risen, Ascended Jesus. Because now, more than ever, it’s a message people need to hear…Amen

Loving God we give You thanks that we are able to come before You in this way this morning. That we are able to set aside time from our busy lives to come and be at one with You in Spirit. We thank You for all Your goodness to us, for Your compassion,  love and forgiveness, and for all the many ways You have been with us in the week that has passed – and we ask for Your continued blessing upon us in the week ahead. Help us to look to You at all times and to share Your love with others in whatever way we can. And all this we ask in Jesus name…Amen..


Sunday evening – national call to prayer

As has been the case over the past few weeks, the leaders of all churches have come together to call us to prayer at 7.00pm this Sunday evening. Underneath is a prayer by the leaders of all churches that could be used to begin this time of prayer. The full statement can be found on the Church of Scotland website where it also lists all those leaders whom signed that statement:

“In the Gospel of John (17: 1-11), Jesus prays for his disciples in anticipation of the time when he will no longer be with them. What is it that he prays for? Jesus asks the Father to ‘protect’ his friends. Whilst he was with them, Jesus protected and shielded the disciples and later in his prayer he prays for each one of us. The ascended Lord Jesus continues to pray for us and assures us that his presence will be renewed through the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

We pray:

Living God and gracious Father,
Protect and shield us.
Living God, protect and shield
All whom we love,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Living God, your Son now sits in your presence
And shares in your glory and honour.
We thank you for the promise
That his presence shall be renewed for us,
Through the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Living God, we thank you that Jesus prayed for us
And that he continues to intercede for us.
We thank you that he continues to pray
For us and for our protection,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.





Short Reflection On Psalm 91

By Reflections

‘I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust”…’ (Psalm 91:2)

Read Psalm 91

As Christians we are all called to bear witness to the Gospel message and to the love of our Lord, and one of the best ways in which we can do so, is not only to confess and live our faith as best we can, but also to evangelise, to share it with others and to call on them to look to God too. And when we look at Psalm 91, it is this kind of format that we find written there.

It begins with a wonderful confession of faith which picks up on a theme we see running through so many Psalms – that God is our refuge and our fortress, the One to whom we can all turn to in order to find security and comfort. The opening verses speak of the sheer majesty and power of God but also clearly state that He is a personal God in whom we can place our trust. Just read those two opening verses again slowly. Could this be our confession of faith – should it be our confession of faith?

As we then look at verses 3-13 we have this wonderful exhortation of the Psalmist for all people to put this same kind of trust in the Lord and to rest in His shadow, effectively saying the Lord has done this for me and He can do this for you too. The lesson for us here, surely, is how we too need to evangelise in this way. To let others know of what it means to know the Lord and have Him in our lives and to encourage others to come to seek and know Him for themselves.

But look how this Psalm ends, it’s almost as if the Lord is answering both the Psalmist and those of us reading these words today. Yes I will do all these things. Why? Because this person loves me.  If we put our trust in the Lord and come to Him in prayer, with love for Him in our hearts, we will find refuge in Him. But there is even more wonderful news in the way this Psalm ends, with the promise of salvation. Today we believe with all our hearts that this salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ and by acknowledging Him as our Saviour. So let’s now do as the Psalmist does here and share that Good News with others.

Lord, we praise and bless You for the assurance, comfort and peace that the words of this Psalm bring to us, and especially of that final promise of salvation. Help us to put our faith and trust in You at all times and also to share with others the joy that they will discover if they do likewise. And all this we ask in Jesus name. Amen.


Question Of The Day: Why is Psalm 91 unique – not just in regard to the Book of Psalms, but in the whole of Scripture?

Short Reflection On Psalm 90

By Reflections

‘Lord You have been our dwelling-place throughout all generations…’ (Psalm 90:1)

Read Psalm 90

Psalm 90 is a Psalm which essentially sets out the brevity of our human life in the light of God’s eternal and everlasting presence and also our frailty and sinfulness in light of God’s power, majesty and glory.  It speaks of the eternity of God, the wrath of God and the mercy of God and again there is so much in these verses that speaks to us in so many different ways. Yet it is perhaps the sense of God’s eternal presence with us that most find so reassuring in these verses.

As we go about our daily lives we all seek satisfaction in so many things and strive to attain and achieve joy and happiness in all that we do, whether it be for ourselves or for our families and loved ones. Yet whilst we may indeed achieve these to a certain degree the Psalmist reminds us that it is in God’s eternal mercy that we ultimately find the satisfaction, joy and happiness that we seek. But more than that we are reminded that even in times of trouble the love of God is always with us. Through all the ups and downs that we face in life, the everlasting presence of God will be there to encompass us in His love. What a wonderful thought for us to hold on to and perhaps especially so at this time in the midst of this pandemic.

No matter where we are in life or what we are facing the eternal Lord who created all things is our refuge, our sanctuary and in Him we can find rest from all of life’s troubles. So come to Him today. Take time now to set aside a few moments to be alone and at one with Him and know afresh that love that only He can give.

 Eternal and everlasting God, we thank You that we are able to be with You at all times and that through all the ups and downs we face in life, You will be there to offer us the comfort and support we need, Amen.


Question Of The Day: How many sons of Jesse were overlooked before David was anointed King?

Short Reflection On Psalm 84

By Reflections

‘O Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in You…’ (Psalm 84:12)

Read Psalm 84

For the people in Old Testament times the Temple was the most sacred and holiest place on earth for they believed it to be the dwelling place of the Lord. At the very heart of the Temple in the Holy of Holies was the Shekina, the Glory of God, the visible manifestation of the presence of God. They did of course know that ultimately neither earth nor heaven could contain God; that God didn’t dwell on earth in the way they did. Nevertheless, God had been pleased to ‘put His name’ in Jerusalem in this way and therefore the Temple would continue to be revered in the way it was.

The Psalmist begins by declaring how much being in the Temple means to him, his whole being cries out for it; to enter the courts of the Lord was for him to approach the living God Himself. Today in the circumstances we find ourselves in we may well echo the words of the second verse. We all miss not being able to enter the Lord’s House to come together for worship and pray that we will soon be able to do so once again.

In the meantime, however, perhaps we can recall the words of John 1:14, The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us…’  We may not be able to gather in the House of God today but we can still come to the Lord – anytime, anywhere – and we can still ask of Him, ‘Hear my prayer, O Lord God Almighty…’ and share with Him all that is in our hearts, knowing that by His Spirit He is with us. We can still give thanks for His strength and provision, and for His blessings, especially in these days upon those who are finding things so stressful at this time. And we can still hold in our heart that God is our shield and that He continues to bathe us in His light. All we need do is to trust in Him; trust in Him for all things and He will watch over us.

Lord, we give You thanks that we can come to You at any time day or night, wherever we are, and know that You are there. Help us to continue to put our trust in You at all times and to hand all things over to You, for we ask all these things in Jesus name…Amen.


Question Of The Day: Why did Hannah name her son Samuel?

Bible Study On Luke

By Reflections

Read Luke 13:1-9

What is the crux of Jesus teaching in this passage?

  1. Was God punishing the Galileans because of some great sin in their lives?
  2. What is the significance of the parable of the fig tree?
  3. What can we say about the attitude of the owner of the land the tree was on?

What valuable lessons can we take from these verses as we live out our faith today?

Luke 13:10-17

How could we describe the attitude of the rulers of the Synagogue in this passage?

  1. Indignant, arrogant, legalistic, hypocritical, angry….. Why might they have behaved in this way?
  2. Because they were the true ‘guardians’ of the law?
  3. Or because Jesus was showing them for what they really were?

Are there times when we might stand accused of being hypocritical in terms of our faith lives?

Luke 13:18-30

What do the two short parables teach us and what do we learn from the verses on the narrow door.

  1. A little faith will go a long way and will grow as it does so.
  2. Not all who think they will be saved, will be.

Do we exercise our faith in this way? Do we know God as we should?

Luke 13:31-35

What was Jesus reaction to the threat of Herod and why did He react in this way?

  1. Jesus was willing to put His life in His Father’s hands and to do His will, no matter what.

Are we willing to give our lives over to God?


This chapter could almost be headed, ‘Give Up’…

Give Up.. .Your Sins – Jesus call to the people is straight to the point in verse 3.

Give Up… Your Legalistic Attitude – Jesus call to the rulers of the Synagogue who had adopted their own attitude to the Law, regarding it as a moral straight-jacket.

Give Up.. .Your Own Ideas To Be Saved – Jesus call to the Rabbis and others who often theorised as to the number of those who might actually be saved.

Give Up.. .Your Unwillingness – Jesus call to those who refused God’s offer of salvation through Him.

This theme of, ‘Giving Up’, continues on into chapter 14 when we see Jesus call on the people to Give Up.. . Their Pride, Their Excuses, and finally, Everything, if they would truly seek to be His disciple.


Lord, as we reflect on these verses we ask that You would increase our faith and our willingness to hand our lives completely over to You. In Jesus name…Amen

Question Of The Day: What is the relationship between Obed and King David?