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Good Friday Reflection

By Reflections

‘…the punishment that brought us peace was on him and by his wounds we are healed…’ (Isaiah 53:5)

Bible Reflection : John 19

As Holy Week draws to a close we suddenly find ourselves at the foot of a cross, one of the most horrific and brutal symbols of death, and there we see our Lord. As was the case back then with all His disciples and all who followed Him from afar, still we find ourselves asking the question, how could this happen? How could Jesus find Himself on a cross on Golgotha, crucified between two criminals? We struggle to make sense of this and like many down through the ages still perhaps question what any of this has to do with God. Yet even a quick look through Scriptures will give us the answer and reveal to us that it is at that point, when Jesus looks most deserted and defeated on the cross that God’s promise of love and hope resonates most clearly.

On Good Friday we often tend to focus on the cross and the suffering and sheer pain our Lord endured – and it is right that we do remember the sacrifice He made for us. Yet we also need to look beyond the cross. Even in those moments of agonising pain Jesus was able to look and to see His Mother and the beloved disciple, John, and seek to take care of both their needs. Even now with the life ebbing out of Him still Jesus was looking to care for others, as He did throughout His ministry with the likes of the woman at the well, the Centurion’s servant, Zacchaeus, the rich young man, the woman accused of adultery and many others. Jesus looked on them with love and compassion caring for their needs, and although John doesn’t record it in his account, even at the end Jesus would show this same love and compassion and seek the Father’s forgiveness for those who put Him on the cross – and indeed for us all.

Good Friday was a day when something terrible happened. The Son of God, an innocent man, was executed in the most horrific and barbaric way. So why then call a day such as this ‘Good’? Again, we need to look beyond the horrors of the cross, for only then can we see that in the midst of this most horrific scene something truly wonderful was beginning to take place here.

Because Jesus was denied and condemned, through Him we are now able to take our place in God’s Kingdom without fear of condemnation. Because His body was beaten and broken we have been healed in the way that Isaiah spoke of and are now able to be at one with God. And because Jesus was killed but rose to new life, we too can have life eternal in His presence. It is from Jesus pain, suffering and anguish that we are able to find our peace with God and be reconciled with Him once again.

Without Good Friday there would be no glorious Resurrection on Easter Morning. Without the Resurrection there would be no rising to new life. Without this new life we would forever be apart from our Father in Heaven, devoid of all hope. Our journey to eternal life with our Lord began on Good Friday through the sacrifice of Jesus – and that is why we can dare to call it ‘Good’

Loving God, You loved the world so much that you sent Your one and only Son, not to condemn this world, but that through Him it might be saved, and we who are quicker to judge than to bless fall silent at the extravagance of Your Grace. On this Good Friday, Lord, even as we are unable to gather in Your name as we normally would, we pray for the church of Jesus Christ here on earth. We pray that even now it may blossom and grow as we remember the Easter message this weekend. Keep alive in us the assurance of hope and peace that this day brings, that as your church here on earth we may proclaim the message of Easter each and every day of our lives. And all this we ask in Jesus name.  Amen.


Maundy Thursday Reflection

By Reflections

‘You do not realise now what I am doing, but later you will understand’ (John 13:7)

Bible Reflection : John 13:1-17

Jesus knows that events are reaching a crisis, He knows that in only a matter of hours He will be living out the full extent of God’s love. But He knows also that the fear of sheer humanity will make it hard for His disciples to stay with Him and to come to terms with what it all means. So He washes his disciples feet. He lays down His outer clothing and takes up a towel, just as He will soon lay down His life and take it up again from the grave. The disciples turn to see what is going on and we can maybe imagine the conversation suddenly coming to an end. They hear the water being poured out and they see Jesus looking down at their feet, then up to each bewildered and confused face.

As always it seems, it is Peter who breaks the silence in his own inevitable way, spluttering out his rhetorical question, ‘Lord, are you going to wash my feet…’ Peter doesn’t understand – although it’s probably fair to say, none of them understand but only Peter has the courage to speak out. But I wonder, how might we have reacted if we had been there – how might we react today if someone came to wash our feet in this way. Yet the foot washing is a sign of the great love Jesus has for them and in a sense a prelude to the great commandment he would give them, ‘…love one another as I have loved you; by this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another…’

In washing His disciples feet in this way during this meal, Jesus wasn’t only sharing of His love with His disciples, He was sharing Himself and giving of Himself in a way that they simply couldn’t understand. Later He would reveal this love for them, and indeed for us all, in an even greater way by giving Himself over to those who would crucify Him – and today we are called to follow His example.

As His disciples we are called to follow our Lord’s example of sharing and self-giving in the lives that we lead. We are called to show our love, care and compassion for all, to put the needs of others before our own needs, even if that means making sacrifices along the way. Jesus gave of Himself completely for us throughout His ministry, even to death on a cross. So surely then we can give something of our time, our energy, our resources and our very selves for others. Indeed that is what our Lord calls on us to do, ‘I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you…’(John 13:15)

All of this of course happened at that final meal Jesus had with His disciples before being handed over to the authorities who would ultimately have Him crucified. Normally we would be gathered together around the Lord’s Table to share in this Holy meal and to remember the sacrifice our Lord made for us. However, because of current restrictions we are unable to do so and I for one find myself struggling with this, not being able to gather as one in His name to share in this fellowship as we are used to.

Yet, whilst we may not be able to come together physically, we can still be together in Spirit and in that same Spirit we can be at one with our Lord, gathered around His table with all who profess His name. So let’s just come together in this way and as we gather in His name, just pause for a moment and listen – listen to the love echoed in His voice as He says to us, ‘This is my body which is broken for you, do this in remembrance of me…’ and allow that love to embrace you and hold you now, and each and every day.


Loving God, we thank you for Your grace and mercy and for all Your goodness to us. As we remember His sacrifice and seek to follow the example our Lord, may the ways in which we respond, the ways in which we seek to serve and the ways in which we behave at all times point to Jesus. We remember the sacrifice He made for us and we give thanks for the life we now have because of that. Help us now, we pray, to live those lives as He would have us, loving one another as He loves us. And all this we ask in Jesus name. Amen.

Holy Week Reflection – Wednesday

By Reflections

‘Why are you bothering this woman, she has done a beautiful thing…’ (Matt. 26:10)

Bible Reflection : Matthew 26:6-13

Our reading today focuses on a meal at the home of a certain man known as Simon the Leper. However, what’s interesting when we look at it in more detail, is that it would appear that the woman who came to anoint Jesus was not actually an invited guest at the meal. It’s almost as if she just came in off the street. That might seem strange to us today but back then the houses of those who were wealthy and well-to-do were often built round an open courtyard in which you might find a garden or a fountain. In warmer weather the meals could quite easily have been eaten in these courtyards making it a very public occasion. And often if there was a famous or distinguished teacher as the guest of honour at these meals, locals would come and gather around the courtyard to hear the ‘after dinner’ talk, so to speak, eager not to miss out on any words of wisdom that the teacher might wish to impart. So the chances are that it was at such a meal that Jesus found himself as the guest of honour that day. And it was into that courtyard that the woman came with her perfume.

What exactly sparked off this show of love and devotion, Matthew doesn’t actually say. But there had obviously been something in what Jesus said or did that sparked off something within her soul. Maybe she had also witnessed the events of the past few days. Maybe she now saw the bitterness and anger in the eyes of those who were conspiring against Jesus, plotting to kill Him at the earliest moment. Perhaps she was even moved by the Spirit, realising that this was her last opportunity to demonstrate her love and devotion to this man who had moved her in such a way. And so she seized that moment…She poured not just a single drop but all of this expensive perfume over the head of Jesus.

In Old Testament times only three kinds of people were anointed. Priests were anointed and we read in Exodus 29, concerning the ordination of Aaron as Priest, ‘You shall take the anointing oil and pour it on his head, and anoint him…’ Prophets were anointed. Remember 1 Kings 19 Where Elijah was told by God, You shall anoint Elisha…as prophet in your place…’And Kings were anointed. Remember Samuel anointing Saul in chapter 10 of 1 Samuel, ‘Samuel took a vial of oil and pour it on his head..’

So in accepting this anointing from this woman Jesus further stakes His claim as Priest, Prophet and King of the people, although, perhaps not quite in the way that they imagined. Nevertheless Jesus was the Prophet who brought the living Word of God to the people In a way that they had never experienced before. He was the Priest who was the intermediary between the people and God – not through rituals, ceremonies or sacrifice But through Himself, for He was God Incarnate. And He was their King. Not in the image or style of David or Solomon as His Kingdom wasn’t an earthly Kingdom. He claimed men and women to His Kingdom from within their hearts. So even with His enemies breathing down His neck, scrutinizing His every word and action, even amidst the ignorance and misunderstanding of those around Him, Jesus never lost sight of His mission and His destiny. And in many other ways this act of love and devotion by this act of anointing simply reinforces all of that…

However, there is something else we need to focus on here. In this act this woman did the only thing that she felt she could do to express the love and devotion that she had in her heart. Yet in anointing Jesus in this way she gave all that she had to Him as an expression of the love that was in her heart. Such an act of love and devotion is in many ways beyond description and leaves an impression not only on those who witnessed it but on us all. It leaves something that time can never take away and Jesus was quite right when He said that whenever this story was told people would remember this act of love and devotion. But this story also forces us to ask ourselves how we show our love and devotion to our Lord.

As we continue through Holy Week we know that Jesus would make the ultimate sacrifice for us, that He would express the fullness of His love for us on the cross at Calvary. So maybe now is the time for us to reflect on how we express and declare our love for Him. Can we be as expressive in our love, in the way this woman was? Are we willing to make similar sacrifices in the outpouring of our love? What are we willing to give up to come to our Lord? As it was on Palm Sunday, the choice is still ours to make!

Lord, few things in life are seldom what they appear to be and we confess we find that so difficult to deal with. So help us to put our faith and trust in the one thing that is the same today as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow – Your love revealed to us in the person of Your Son and our Saviour Jesus Christ. And help us as best we can to share that love with others, wherever we are and whatever we’re doing. For we ask it in His name and for His sake…Amen…




Holy Week Reflections – Tuesday

By Reflections

‘ The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone…’ (Matt 21:42)

Bible Reflection: Read Matthew 21:33-46

In this parable we effectively have the essence of Jesus final days here on earth. Here Jesus lays it all on the line and makes it perfectly clear who He is and why He came. Seldom did Jesus ever make such a direct claim, lay down an unmistakable challenge and issue such a terrible threat. And everyone listening picked up on this, because the overall meaning of this parable was abundantly clear, as were the individual details.

The vineyard was Israel and the owner of the vineyard, God. Those looking after the vineyard were the leaders of the nation, the messengers were the Prophets and the Son, Jesus Himself. As for the threat at the end – Israel’s place of privilege in relationship with God would be taken from them and given to others. If there had even been the slightest possibility of Jesus being able to back track, to make recompense for what he had said and done over the past two days – there was now no chance whatsoever of being able to do that.

For in this passage Jesus quite deliberately sets himself apart from all the others. The days of servant and prophet were now in the past but the day of the Son was now. What else could God do in order to appeal to the people. How much further could He go to invite them back into His fold – and yet we see that even that is not enough. The cross was fast approaching for Jesus. Yet here at the end of this parable we have this expression by Jesus of the confidence of the triumph and vindication to come thereafter, and for this display of confidence, Jesus again turns to the Psalms.

The image of the stone which the builders rejected, but which eventually became the cornerstone, was actually intended to apply to the nation of Israel. As the cornerstone they were the elect, they were the chosen people of God. But here Jesus takes this image and applies it directly to Himself and in so doing he expresses nothing but complete confidence in all that is about to happen.

The parable of the Tenants, is perhaps not one that immediately jumps out at us when we think of all the well know parables that there are within all the Gospels, particularly so at this time of the year. However, it is at this very time in the liturgical year when it does become one of the most important. Why? Because in this parable we find Jesus laying down His final challenge to the authorities and to the people and He does so by claiming this special relationship with God. He is the Son of God and as such He claims the right to judge, to condemn and to reject.

In this act Jesus is completely aware that He is taking the path which will lead to the cross. However, never for one moment does He see that cross as the end. He goes to the cross in the certainty that He will ultimately triumph. The cross is only the beginning – beyond there is a glorious new beginning.

A new beginning which He has invited all of us to be part of……All we have to do is to walk with Him!


Gracious God, we know we can never repay the love you have shown us in Your Son, a love that has given us a bright new future with You, a love that you continue to pour upon us day by day through your Holy Spirit. Yet we long to show You our gratitude by loving you in return, by serving you as you desire and by being the sort of people you call us to be…Set us free from our preoccupation with the things of this world, from our obsession with self and from all that blinds us to what really matters. Rather teach us to live according to the values of your kingdom, to the glory and honour of Your name. Amen


Holy Week Reflections – Monday

By Reflections

‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations…’ (Mark 11:17)

Bible Reflection: Read Mark 11:12-19

It’s not difficult to imagine the commotion that Jesus must have caused in this ‘act of cleansing’. The Temple courtyard would have been packed with pilgrims, buying their sacrificial animals or exchanging their coins to pay the Temple tax, something that actually needed to take place before a sacrifice could be offered. So no doubt there would have been great anger expressed, not only by those whom Jesus drove from the Temple, but also by the Temple authorities, who would ‘lose out’, not just on legitimate revenue, but also on some ill-gotten revenue because of Jesus actions. But what’s really going on here?

All through His Ministry, indeed all through His life, Jesus refused to pander to the whims and wishes of those around Him. He refused to live within the expected norms and standards of that time. He had been sent to fulfil His mission. To proclaim the Gospel message far and wide, to offer redemption and salvation to all, and to reconcile all of us to God, and nothing or no-one was going to stop Him from doing just that. Which is perhaps why we shouldn’t be all that surprised at His actions in the Temple that day.

The Passover was the greatest of all the Jewish feasts and Jews from all over the ancient world would do their utmost to come to Jerusalem for this special festival. And many may have gone to the Temple in the hope that they might just find the Living God that they had heard so much about. However, the Temple was divided into courtyards. There were areas where only the Priests could enter, areas where Jewish males could go, areas where females could go and finally, areas where Gentiles could go. But irrespective of which area you went to it should have been a house of prayer, a sanctuary for anyone seeking peace and tranquillity, sanctuary for anyone seeking the presence of God in their lives. But what did the Gentiles find – a disputing and bargaining mob, haggling and dealing over money and livestock.

The Temple was a House of God, a place where all pilgrims and worshippers could come and find peace and solitude with their Lord – or it should have been. However, with all the cheating and thieving that was going on here that wouldn’t have been possible. In this courtyard, there would have been no way that anyone would be able to find a quiet space for reflective devotion or prayer and that’s why Jesus was so angry. The cheating and thieving by the money-changers and dealers was bad enough, however, of more importance to Jesus was this. By their actions those in the courtyard were preventing others from being able to come to be with God – that was the real reason for Jesus’ anger here.

There is much we can take from this passage, however, perhaps one lesson stands out. As Disciples of Jesus here and now we are called to bring others to God through our Lord – to proclaim His message and demonstrate His love in all we are and do. So there should be nothing in our behaviour – in our words and/or actions that might hinder that. Yet the fact remains that there are none of us perfect and we will make mistakes. That is why we too need to come to the Lord in prayerful devotion and spend time with Him each day, asking for His strength and guidance, asking Him to lead us in the way He would have us go as we walk with Him through this Holy Week. Only then will we be able to offer our whole lives as a witness to our Lord, that through this witness others too may come to know Him for themselves.

Loving Jesus, we want to be true to our own convictions and to stand up for what is right, at all times seeking to proclaim the Gospel message in our words and actions. But often when the pressure is on we buckle under the weight of it. So grant us wisdom we pray and give us the courage we need to hold fast and uphold your name in all we do, living out our faith as best we can, that through our witness others may come to know You too.  And all of this we would ask in Jesus name…Amen

Palm Sunday Reflection

By Reflections

‘Hosanna to the Son of David…Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ (Matt. 21:9)


Read Matthew 21:1-11

The story of Palm Sunday is so well known to us as we think of our Lord entering through the city gates of Jerusalem to a chorus of Hosanna ringing in His ears. However, the Holy city is full to the brim and even now, among those who are cheering and waving their Palm branches welcoming Jesus as their Messiah, there are those in the crowds who are bemused by what is going on as well as those who want to stop Jesus at all costs.

Of course we will never be able to truly appreciate or understand all the emotions that people were showing that day. We will never be able to fully appreciate the excitement, the anticipation or the tension that everyone would have been experiencing. However, as we ‘stand’ at those city gates today, we know that once we enter we will be swept up into events over which we have no control and if we’re honest we will find that somewhat daunting. Nevertheless, as with all who were present on that Palm Sunday, as we stand at these city gates, we have all sorts of options and possibilities.

We can enter with Jesus and walk with him to his garden of new life and take our place in God’s everlasting kingdom, in a place already prepared for us even now.

Or we can enter and join with the crowds who are jeering rather than cheering and at the end of the week find ourselves with nothing.

Or we can stay precisely where we are, at the gates, unwilling to commit ourselves in any way, shape or form, because we know that as soon as we enter there will be trial and suffering and we’d rather shy away from those things if we possibly can.

Yet here’s the thing, it is only at the end of this week’s story, in the garden of Resurrection, that our wounds are healed and we can start afresh in a new life with God through his beloved Son.

The choice is ours to make. However, in order to make that choice maybe the real question we have to ask ourselves is this. How much do we want to be there – to one day be in that place where God walks with us again in the cool of the day?

Are we willing to move towards that garden? Are we prepared to walk with Christ, all the way to the cross, yes, but also beyond to that glorious Resurrection?

The gates are now open and Jesus is entering the Holy city – time to choose!

Lord, as we stand at the beginning of this Holy week, give us the strength, not only to continue in our walk with You in the coming days, but also to invite others to walk with us, that together we might come to the glory of Easter morning in the presence of our Risen Lord. Amen.


Palm Sunday Evening – National Call To Prayer

On this Palm Sunday evening the leaders of all Churches have come together to call us to prayer at 7.00pm this evening. Underneath is a prayer by the leaders of all churches that could be used to begin this time of prayer. The full statement can be found on the Church of Scotland website where it also lists all those leaders of all the churches who signed that statement.

A prayer for this time

Living God, for the precious gift of life that you have given to us,

We give you thanks.

For the enduring presence of your love in this world,

We give you thanks.

For the knowledge that you are with us at the close of the day,

We give you thanks.

On this day, we hear the Gospel words that speak of hope,

We hear the cry: Hosanna!

We hear the Gospel words that speak of promise,

We hear the cry: Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!

On this day, we journey in hope as we trust in your promise.

Lord, as we journey into the Holy Week to come,

We are conscious that we share in the life of the world.

We are conscious of the presence of those who are near to us,

And of those from whom we are apart.

Whether near, or far, embrace us all in your love.

Lord, we are conscious of others,

Whose life and work is woven into the fabric of our society,

And upon whom we now depend.

We pray for them:

For delivery drivers and posties,

For refuse collectors and cleaners,

For police officers and care workers,

Protect them and keep them safe.

For nurses and doctors,

For scientists and surgeons,

For midwives and ambulance drivers,

Protect them and watch over them.

For those who govern on our behalf,

For those who make decisions that impact upon us all,

For all who shape our common life,

Protect them and increase their wisdom and understanding.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

And grant us faith to journey into the week to come,

Assured of the presence of the crucified and risen Lord,

Jesus Christ. Amen.”




Call To Prayer

By News, Reflections

The Moderator of the General Assembly of The Church of Scotland, along with the leaders of all our Churches, has called for us to join together for prayer this Sunday, the 26th of April, at 7.00pm where together we can pray for our communities, our nation and our world at this difficult time.

True Humility

By Reflections

‘He leads the humble in what is right and teaches the humble His way…’ (Psalm 25:9)

One of the things that has struck me most over the last couple of weeks is the humility shown by those who have selflessly sought to help others at this time. From health and key workers to community volunteers to good neighbours, all have demonstrated such a level of care, concern and compassion for others, looking to their needs above their own.

From a Christian perspective being humble means to understand that the low, the meek and the quiet are those whom God chooses to use in His Kingdom. True humility comes from knowing that through His Son God has redeemed us and offered us salvation. There is nothing we can do on our own to earn or merit this salvation – it comes to us by the Grace of God. It also involves an understanding of knowing who we are, to whom we belong and what we are called to be as well as an understanding of God’s Kingdom and the part that we are to play in the building up of that Kingdom relying on the strength and power of God.

Ultimately, to be truly humble means that we have to place our life in His hands and trust that He will lead us and guide us in all we do and enable us to be all that we can be as we seek to follow our Lord as best we can every day of our lives.

Lord, through Your Son You have truly shown us what it means to be humble. Help us, in Your strength, to follow in His footsteps and to play our part in Your Kingdom. In Jesus name. Amen

The Lord Is With Us

By Reflections

‘The Lord watches over you…’ (Psalm 121:5)

In an age with advanced satellite technology and communication, the associated news coverage that comes with that enables us to see events in any part of the world even as they are unfolding. Sadly today so much of that is focussed on this current pandemic as we almost witness first-hand the devastating affect it is having not just here in our own land but also throughout the world. However this same technology is also enabling us to see how communities are coming together at these times and through the power of social media inviting us to be part of one big community. From celebrities inviting us to take part in daily fitness and dance routines, to neighbourhoods inviting us to join in their song and dance routines, to images and messages of hope placed on windows being streamed throughout the world, it seems we are all watching over each other – and that can only be good.

The Psalmist reminds us that the Lord is also watching over us and with all that is happening in the world today we can surely take even more comfort and reassurance from this. Knowing that He is with us in all our daily trials, to offer His support and encouragement, to give us the strength and hope we need to continue when our own begins to waver and to bring to us that sense of tranquillity and peace that only He can offer is something that we all need to hold on to at this time.

Lord, as we continue in our walk through life, thank you for being with us every step of the way. Help us to look to You and to lean on You and to know that You will never leave us  to journey on our own. And all this we ask in Jesus name. Amen.


Be Perfect In The Lord

By Reflections

‘Be perfect, therefore, even as You Heavenly Father is perfect…’ (Matthew 5:48)

Switch on your television on almost any evening and somewhere you might find a reality show where members of the public are passionately taking their hobbies and pastimes to a different level by taking part in in these programmes. Baking, cooking, art, pottery, sewing, you name it and there seems to be a reality show out there where individuals all seek to perfect their particular ‘art’ and win the coveted title and prize on offer.

On first reading our short Bible verse today not only seems impossible but also contradictory to our Christian teaching. To be perfect means to be without any kind of fault or defect and we surely all know that we can never be perfect in this way – only our Lord was perfect. Yet here we have this short verse in Matthew’s Gospel.

Maybe then we have to think of this idea of perfection in a different way and not as the world might see or understand it. Maybe it’s not so much about doing extraordinary, flawless things but rather in doing ordinary everyday things extraordinarily well. For that, of course we need to turn to God and perhaps reflect upon another verse, ‘God is my strength and power and He makes my way perfect…’ (2 Sam. 22:33)

Jesus isn’t commanding us to be without flaw or defect, rather He is challenging us to allow God’s Spirit to mould us – our characteristics our abilities and our understanding – that we might fulfil His purpose for us. Irrespective of what weaknesses or flaws we may have, if we truly allow God’s spirit to work within us then we can become perfect, that is as God would have us, suited to His purpose and in that vein we are better suited and more able to serve Him as He has called us to.

Lord, as we come before You today, we acknowledge our flaws and failings and accept that we need You in our lives. We know Lord that in Your strength and by Your Spirit still You might be able to use us to play our part in Your Kingdom. So Lord, help us we pray, to be perfect, suited to Your purpose, to the glory and honour of Your name. Amen.