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Mother’s Day Reflection

By Reflections

‘See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God.’  (1 John 3:1)

Today is the first day when we have not been able to come together in worship and fellowship and I for one am struggling to come to terms with this, as I’m sure that you are too. However, this is something we all have to accept for the time being.  Today is also Mother’s Day, a day that all families treasure as we would all normally, where possible, spend time with our Mums or remember the treasured memories of the past. It is a day for flowers and gifts too and a day to give thanks again for the safety of our Mums, but today this will only be possible at a distance, because we love them and want to protect them. One consolation is that today is such a beautiful day and whilst we may not be able to see Mums we can be sure that as they look out they will  be able to see the beauty of God’s creation in our own gardens and that will bring a smile to their faces – knowing that they are not only loved by us but God too.

Over this past week, as I have glanced out of the manse window I have seen one of our Elder’s and her husband working hard in their beautiful garden – and that has helped uplift me during this somewhat surreal week. Of course during this hard work there has been the odd occasion when they stopped for a cuppa – and possibly a biscuit or cake – and that got me thinking of those who are working so tirelessly to provide us with the food that we need. Today, as well as our Mums I would ask you to pray for our local farmers, finding it difficult to get workers; those who deliver the food to our shops and supermarkets; those who restock the shelves and then sell the food on to us – it is a stressful time for them all.

We should also remember those of us who have family and friends in hospital, for a host of reasons, who are now unable to receive any visitors, and also for their families who I know are struggling with this – please keep them in your prayers.

There are so many needs in our world today and over the coming days we should all remember to pray. When I first came here to preach to the Nominating Committee my sermon was on prayer and that is what I,  and all other ministers I know, base their ministry on. If we didn’t talk to God where would we be – and on that note I want to end with the words written on a plaque that I have in my study.

God is watching over you – I know because I asked Him too…

Share God’s Love

By Reflections

‘…God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit,

who has been given to us.’ (Romans 5:5)


Leo Tolstoy once said, ‘where love is, there is God also…’  and how true this is. The idea of love is the greatest characteristic of our Christian faith and the greatness of God’s love for us was ultimately revealed in His giving us His one and only Son and as Paul says, this love is still poured upon us freely today through God’s Holy Spirit. But how do we understand this love?

All too often today we perhaps think of love as simply an emotion, a feeling we may experience within our hearts. Yet when we look at how love is revealed to us in the Bible it isn’t merely an emotion or feeling. The kind of love that God calls us to isn’t simply about feeling a certain way towards other people, rather it is about demonstrating that love through our actions. But more than this God tells us that His love should flow through our actions to others and as Christians we are called to do this through following the example of our Lord. Through acts of compassion and kindness, looking to the needs of others and where we can help in some small way, being a good neighbour.

Today, at such a difficult time for us all, we need to try to share God’s love in this way with those around us. Of course for health reasons there are limitations on what we are able to do and some things might not be possible, but even a simple phone call, text message, email or card just to say – thinking of you, hope you are well – can make all the difference. Try it – and see!

Lord, we thank You for the love You pour upon us so freely every day. Help us to share that love in all we do, that through this witness others too may come to know the fullness of the love of Christ in their life. And we ask all this in His Holy name. Amen.

God’s Comforter

By Reflections

‘But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you…’ (John 14:26)

This coming Sunday, and for the foreseeable future, we are not able to come together in fellowship to worship and like everyone of you I will miss that so much. Yet whilst we might not be able to meet as we usually do, as believers we are united in fellowship through God’s Spirit and we can still set aside time on Sunday to come before God as one. To pray for one another, our community, our nation, for all our doctors, nurses, paramedics and health workers and others who are working so tirelessly at this time, and indeed for all who are anxious or fearful over all that is going on. Particularly so on this Sunday as our Moderator has joined with other Church Leaders in calling for a National Day of Prayer.

Through the Holy Spirit God is there to comfort, encourage, uplift and support us every day and today more than ever we need to know these things in our life. So I would encourage you all to set aside some time on Sunday – between 10.00 am and 12.00 pm – to come before God, to ask for His Spirit’s presence and comfort in our lives and in the lives of all who need Him most at this time. Also, to join with others in prayer at 7.00pm, the time set aside for national prayer.

And don’t forget that we are here for you and will endeavour to help in any way we can.

Lord, in these difficult and uncertain days help us to allow Your Spirit to guide, comfort and uphold us. Help us also to hold on to Your love and to look to share it wherever and whenever we can, to the glory and honour of Your name. Amen


Pause For Thought

By Reflections

In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. (Psalm 25:1)

Lord, in the midst of all that is happening around us, of all that we see and hear on our news each day, help us to hold on to our faith and trust in You, knowing that Your love for us is the same today as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow. Amen

Cancellation Of Worship Services

By News, Reflections

In response to the Coronavirus pandemic The Church of Scotland has called for all gatherings for worship to cease until further notice. This will include Sunday worship, house groups, youth groups and social gatherings – and will include all Easter services.

These are difficult and stressful times for us all and more than ever we need to be mindful of how we can offer support to one another and continue to hold one another up in prayer. So, in addition to your own loved ones, please hold our church, our community, our nation and indeed all who are most affected by this virus in your prayers asking for God’s love to guide, support and encourage us all at this time. The Church of Scotland in line with other churches has called for us to participate in a National Day Of Prayer, this coming Sunday the 22nd of March. So please join us for that at 7.00pm when together we can all come before the Lord.

Church Events

By News, Reflections

In accordance with advice given by Presbytery in response to the coronavirus pandemic, all events other than Sunday worship will be suspended for the time being.

This includes the prayer meeting and the Bible study, the choir, youth groups and Friendly Friday, and also applies to the Brownies and Guides who also use the church.

Any further developments will be posted on the Web site as and when they occur but if anyone has any questions please contact the Minister.